NoteWeaver Ultra MIDI Playing
Surface Router/Front End |
Below are some ad hoc, little planned, real-time
Volume initially turned down,
NoteWeaver Introduction YouTube Video |
Create songs quickly, having fun. NoteWeaver: o Focuses on being an extremely powerful and flexible large scale MIDI playing surface mapper o Using super easy to edit tables gives each played note 8 layers of identical possibilities o Can turn songs on a dime with each new note played o Provides 8 layers of simultaneous: Echos & Arps ...cycling through scales, octaves, beats, & voices (patches) also single key triggered: 1-Shot Riffs & Repeating Riffs o Is designed to synchronize multiple players
$250.00 with quantity discounts & licensing
midi mapper midi composition music sequencer sequencer midi controller keyboard controller synth software arpeggiator midi arpeggiator drum sequencer miai drums midi recorder music midi music